A tray of rich hot Rocoto peppers


The Rocoto holds a special surprise: this chili is filled with black and brown seeds! The plant has satin-textured leaves and beautiful purple flowers as well. The Rocoto is exceptionally meaty, with walls as thick as a bell pepper, and it can top out at Habanero level spiciness. Its taste and aroma, however, are vastly different to other hot chili peppers of this heat level.

Evidence has been found of this Capsicum Pubescens being domesticated thousands of years ago in South America. It grows, with slight differences in shape and size, in the high mountains of Peru, Ecuador, and Bolivia, where it has long been a staple in the local cuisines.

UCHU Spice carries Rocoto in all presentations: brined, dried whole or in powder or flakes, and in mash both fermented and acidified. Contact us, and we will gladly help you get this pepper on your product line.

Appearance: apple- or pear-shaped
Heat level: very hot - 4/5
Popular products: Rocoto mash, dried Rocoto powder

Want to know more about our Rocotos? Contact us to learn more about their aroma, flavor and pungency.

Other fine-flavor peppers


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