New Challenges for All: Working Remotely and Adapting to COVID-19

Remote delivery and pick-up locations

Remote delivery and pick-up locations

Due to the COVID crisis, we have been forced to adapt to unpredictable circumstances. Our ability to adapt and reinvent ourselves as challenges arise during this socially and economically precarious time, defines our work culture. It is thanks to our team of skilled professionals, and our core company values, that have allowed us to implement the prevention and quality controls necessary to continue operations in Ecuador and Peru. Our team is one big family.

We share with you some of the changes we have made to mitigate COVID’s impact.

Constant communication – a recipe for success!

Peru team’s protective gear

Peru team’s protective gear

We continue to work together, from afar. Since the crisis began, we have been adapting our spaces to enforce social distancing. To do so, we have also transformed our communication methods and many of us are working remotely. We keep each department well informed about the country’s health crisis as well as the protocols we choose to implement.

This transition has been easier for some departments than others. Our priority, and also biggest challenge, has been adapting communication with farmers. The majority of smallholder farmers have limited access to internet so we are working with farmer leaders to create text groups so farmers have updates on harvest schedules. Our field team of agronomists and technicians have successfully ensured that fresh peppers are delivered and processed following our social distancing protocols.

New challenges for all: working remotely and adapting to new technologies

Tania Escobar, our plant manager.

Tania Escobar, our plant manager.

Technology has never before been so important for our business. Our administrative team sets weekly goals and constantly evaluate changes and results so that we continue to grow and improve every day. Once we set a clear goal, we sign up for webinars and online training modules, so we are prepared to face all changes and challenges that may arise.

We are innovative, adaptable and resourceful… Making us as efficient and reliable as ever!

We are proud of what our production team has accomplished. They have successfully implemented the protocols necessary to continue to produce quality products during the pandemic. The use of all protective gear has been enforced and personal hygiene and social distancing are strictly regulated. We have successfully contained viral spread in our facilities.


Meet Antonio Loor!

Antonio is our Social Distancing and Hygiene Officer. He makes routine inspection of our entire production facility and offices, disinfects meeting areas and supervises activities ensuring that everyone follows the regulations we have implemented. He has become an expert in COVID prevention and will continue to train staff in prevention and protection practices.

For Spanish readers, see bellow:

Innovación y adaptación en tiempos de COVID

Durante esta pandemia, el equipo de Uchu ha aprendido a adaptarse a cambios impredecibles. Nuestra dedicación y facilidad de reinventarnos, dentro de una situación social y económicamente precaria, nos distingue y nos permite continuar operativos en Perú y Ecuador. En este blog encontrarás algunos de los cambios que hemos implementado para sobreponer el impacto socioeconómico del COVID.

¡La constante comunicación – nuestra fórmula del éxito!

Estamos aprendiendo a trabajar juntos, desde lejos. Para cumplir con las reglas de distanciamiento social, hemos transformado nuestros medios de comunicación. Nos aseguramos de que cada departamento esté correctamente informado sobre la situación sanitaria en el país y las medidas de precaución que tomamos.

La transición ha sido más fácil para unos que otros.  Nuestra prioridad, y también mayor obstáculo, ha sido la comunicación con los agricultores. No obstante, hemos logrado asegurar que la entrega de materia prima cumpla con las reglas de bioseguridad y distanciamiento social.

Nuevos desafíos – teletrabajo y tecnologías de la información

La tecnología nunca ha sido tan importante para mantener nuestro negocio. Nuestro equipo administrativo semanalmente establece objetivos y evalúa resultados con la intención de crecer y mejorar todos los días. Una vez que tenemos un objetivo claro, buscamos webinars y capacitaciones en línea que nos preparen para solucionar estos problemas.

¡Innovamos nuestra comunicación para mantener nuestra eficiencia!

Estamos orgullosos del trabajo realizado por nuestros equipos de producción. Se han aplicado los protocolos establecidos en las plantas de procesamiento: han logrado utilizar de manera correcta sus equipos de protección personal, mantener el aseo personal y cumplir con las medidas de distanciamiento. Hemos logrado minimizar el riesgo de contagio.

Como medida adicional hemos designado un Inspector de Bioseguridad. Esta persona desinfecta áreas comunes y vehículos que ingresen a nuestra planta y verifica que el equipo cumpla con las normas de seguridad.

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